Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Apple Flips

After an exhilarating Zumba work out (I've been at is for 3 weeks now.. yay me!)  I was perusing the aisles of Walmart looking for "portable healthy snacks".. and happened down the snack cake aisle. Now any other dieter would be using every ounce of spare energy they have left to keep from putting ding dongs, Ho-ho's , Snowballs, Twinkies, or Hostess cupcakes in their carts....but I.... I was cool.. floating down the aisle looking at all of the brightly colored  boxes with pictures of cartoon characters and festively colored snack cakes.. And cool collected  Beanie was not in the LEAST bit phased.. UNTIL  I SAW THESE...
Little Debbie  Apple Flips
 I ALMOST FAINTED!.. You would have thought that there were a box of $100 bills sitting on the shelf and nobody could see them but me! I gasped..grabbed two boxes.. and giddily laughed  because I couldn't believe my luck!
OK... now I know you are thinking.. what is the difference between  every other snack cake in the world.. and Apple Flips. Well ...
1. Apple flips are a cookie.. and not a cake. :). 
2. Apparently  Little Debbie stopped making  Apple Flips years ago.. because one day I woke up with a craving for one of these (out of the blue.. because I hadn't had one since  Kindergarten).. searched HI, LOW.. and even on the internet and could not find them! 
3. Other snack cakes or snack cookies are always filled with some type of disgusting cream! 
4.  Apple Flips remind me of my youth!..  My  Miss Piggy lunch box, Recess, Kick ball, warm days wearing skirts with shorts underneath,  going to grandma's after school.. and so much more!

 Yes... all that from a Cookie!

Of course I was too anxious to wait until I got home to try them.. and had one right in  the car..  and amazingly.. they tasted the SAME!!! The same soft chewy slightly oat-y cinnamon-y  cookie.. with an sweet apple cinnamon center... Yes.. it was Heaven!  
 Do you Blurbettes have a favorite nostalgic treat?

Monday, February 6, 2012

PIX! Because who doesn't like 'em!

 I am thinking something really deep... LOL j/k I don't do those types of things!LOL

Hubs suppressed childhood fantasies of being a superhero seem to emerge whenever purchasing presents for the young-ins LOL

Beanie@ at AMAZING Caribbean Restraunt  called Ja'Grill in Chicago 

Beanie, Cryssy, and Lexi!

For Shame (Update)

Shame on me!!
I have left my loyal (one or two) readers for 2 weeks.. and I know you guys have been DYING to know what been going on with me..... Well the truth is... not much , but I'll give you guys a quick update.
Whistling While I Work:
 This area is usually pretty stagnant. But I did change offices again (for the 4th time) and  its not too bad. I've been in this office before, the bathrooms are clean, the office mates are OK,  its still in the middle of the shop floor, but that's to be excepted at this point in my career. My projects are still about the same.. but I do have quite a bit more of them.. which keeps me busy and keeps the day from dragging on into eternity. So I'm satisfied...... for now that is....
 And just for you viewing pleasure  here's a pic of me all geared up for work.. it gets a little cold on the floor sometimes ;)

 On the Home Front:
 We finally got the basement done*happy dance*. I love having a clutter free clean space! It is very calming for me to come home and not see yet another thing that needs to be done. So I'm pretty excited that the basics are done.. Ceiling, Walls, and Floor.  I plan to do a whole post with before and after pictures soon.

Over the next few weeks the hubs and I will be slowly migrating items to this new found space to make it more lounge friendly.  We already have a small love seat and I am looking for two recliners to sit on either side, with a nice rug, lamps and art work.   And I'm pretty sure the hubs is looking for a nice new sound system to add to our existing entertainment system that will now be relocated to our new den! Which means I also get to decorate the living room.. So expect alot of PICs!

Healthy Beanie:
 Well she hasn't been so healthy. Ok  well I'm healthy...LOL but I haven't been working out like I should. However, with my new office move, I feel like I walk ALOT more!  But still not as much as I should.

 I went to the doctor because I was having a hard time managing my blood sugar readings and the doc gave me a low dose of  insulin to take at bed time. I wasn't exactly thrilled about the insulin but I guess its better to have working organs and taking insulin.. than not taking insulin and be blind, an amputee. and/or on dialysis. Taking the insulin it really hasn't been that  bad I was already taking a daily injection of Victoza , so the night time insulin injection didn't really bother me since it was in a pen just like the Victoza  plus my readings seem to be much better.
Although.. I have noticed in efforts to cut back on carbs and still have tasty snacks I have increased my fat and sodium intake with nuts and meats.. So I have to watch that too because I'm trying to keep my low dose blood pressure medication actually at a low dose. So I think that I will try celery, cucumbers, and tomatoes as snacks.

 Hair is Happenin' :
 You wouldn't believe it... but not much. I been wearing some protective styles  like bun's and Two-Strand Twist. I had to take the twist down  because they were looking rough but I ended up with a super cute twist out....
Anyway.. that's about all that going on with me Whats going on with you blurbettes??!